SOFT LAUNCH! You can now Create An Account and access your store immediately!

Sell everything and anything, anywhere!

Start selling anything you want - physical goods digital goods subscriptions services gift cards
Features & Packages
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Launch & start selling immediately!

Full features to allow you to sell on your website, embed products in any web page, or sell on social media channels.

Start selling today
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Create a website using our live editor!
Customise your store to your brand. Control every element using our advanced editor. No coding or designers needed.
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Add your products to any webpage!
If you have an existing website, CRM or blog – you can embed any product and sell using the “Buy Now” button!
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Sell directly on social media & marketplaces!
Connect your store to Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Google Shopping, Amazon, and Ebay!

Demo templates: Create anything you want

Freedom to design your web store the way you want. Regardless of your industry or products you sell.

Create your store

Promote your store everywhere - all from Waakeb's platform.

Google Ads and social media advertisements

Connect seamlessly with your social media accounts and Google Ads! Your products catalogue can be connected with Facebook shop, Instagram shop, Tiktok, and turn your followers into paying customers!

Conversion tools at your disposal

Coupons, Discounts, Gift Cards, Abandoned Carts. We provide you with exceptional marketing tools to help promote your business! Every tool can be used and leveraged to increase conversion and brand awareness!

Built-in email newsletters and automated emails

Collect emails, send automated campaigns, or connect with third party mailing services like Mailchimp to reach your customers!

Advanced analytics for optimized advertisements

Google analytics, Facebook pixel, Pinterest Tag, Snapchat Pixel, to help you understand the impact of your ads and optimize them better!

Bulk edit products, low stock notification, and more

Keep track of your inventory levels, and get low stock notifications. With large product catalogues, you can bulk edit your products.

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Simplified shipping integrations & pick up

Allow for local delivery/pick up or international courier integration. With any option, you can show tax-inclusive or exclusive prices, and set up tax rates per product or location.

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International payment gateways, or cash on delivery

You can connect with multiple payment gateways, or allow for cash on delivery! We make it easier to give your customers the convenience they are looking for.

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Manage all your business from one place.

Advanced tools to manage your orders, inventory, customers, shipments, payments, taxes, and more.

Go global with over 50 languages & currencies.

Speak your customers’ language, now your store can support multiple languages and currencies!

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For latest news, promotions and updates.